Community Land Trusts

“Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community” – Anthony D’Angelo

Communities must control their own destinies. Too often the destiny of a community is determined solely by those with the money, power, and influence. This means the community often loses, while the powerful succeed.

We believe that mighty communities start by having control over the land underneath them. Secure land tenure and long-term rights to land are critical for a community to thrive. Whether it’s a LGTBQ support center or a co-housing development; communities such as these need to have a place to exist.

The Community Land Trust movement offers a solution to these challenges, by putting the control of land into the hands of the community.

Let us help you explore what a CLT means and what it can do for you. We can also assist new CLTs with establishing their operations and conducting planning. We can help existing CLTs develop resale procedures and policies. And we can help CLT boards understand what their mission is, and provide education and training to help them maximize their impact.